Wow! I'm not going to lie...three days in a row of blogging for Slice of Life is a longer streak than my workout days of late. Sad, but true. Despite the unfortunate narrative that fact is regarding my health, I'm proud of myself for sticking with this writing thing. Most people don't know this, but I have several self-published authors I edit for, and a few of them have asked me if I'll ever write, but I always tell them no. The answer will probably always be the same, but the simple act of moving forward with this challenge is a definite confidence booster for myself. And honestly, I'm not hating it. I'll probably have to reassess that opinion around day 21, but so far, so good!
I'm thankful for the kind words, both digitally and in person, from people who commiserated with me about the car situation, and especially those who offered to help. I am pleased to report that the warmer weather of the pre-spring afternoon gave more favorable conditions for the husband's car to be jumped by my van. (Haha, that makes my soccer-mom van sound somewhat like a thug!) Anyway, his car did start, but only the one time. We decided (again, he, not me) to get a new battery and just change it out. Problem solved! What a blessing that it was such a simple fix. We're back to being a two-car family, and it truly is easier that way with having a few children to cart around to places.
Speaking of children, the middle one, who typically needs threats of cold water or something equally unpleasant to wake up in the morning, was awake and out of bed before 5:50 this morning. Yikes! I was dutifully hitting snooze on my phone alarm clock and trying to eke out a few more minutes of peace and quiet when she excitedly came into my bedroom. She just couldn't contain her thrill at the thought of earning her 125 point club trophy and award certificate for AR today. I must say that I'm super excited for and proud of her. Certain "mommy moments" are more fun than others, and this is hands down one of the fun ones!
Congrats to you middle daughter. Also, great to hear that the 2 cars are back up and going.