Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

It's hard to believe this school year will be three-fourths of the way over in just two days.  Interviewing for this job, getting the call that it was mine if I still wanted it, and working hard this past summer taking courses and preparing the rooms all feel like they just happened.  Where has the time gone?

At the end of this month it'll be five years since we closed on the purchase of our current house.  I still remember walking through the unfinished house with the husband and kids #1 and 2, writing scriptures on the concrete foundation in various rooms: the pantry/storm shelter, kitchen, and bedrooms.  Where has the time gone?

This spring/summer we'll have a series of family birthdays and celebrations, as we do each year at this time.  I'll turn 33 in April.  Kid #1 will be 9 on Mother's Day (kind of a special way for me to celebrate my day of motherhood by celebrating the birth of the one who first made me a mother).  Kid #3 turns 4 in the middle of June with our 11th wedding anniversary just three days after her birthday.  And finally, Kid #2 turns 8 at the beginning of July.  Where has the time gone?

It's hard to believe so many years have passed and experiences have been cherished when it feels like certain things have only just begun.

Where has the time gone?


  1. How true! Time passes so quickly. Enjoy every moment!!!

  2. I remember the day Alicia called me to offer me the job here as well! It was a beautiful spring day and I went outside and shouted "Woo Hoo, I got the job!" down to my husband who was at the garage. I was and still am so thankful and I know what you mean, "Where has the time gone?"

  3. Time sure does fly. Seems like yesterday I was in my first year at Webb trying to survive and I decide to apply for my current job.
