Monday, March 4, 2019


Ugh ... Punxsutawney Phil is such a liar! I'm all for winter when it's time for winter (although I don't enjoy having days to make up, especially when I only see each class one day a week and snow days really make some classes get behind, but I digress ...), but now that it's March I'm soooo over these single-digit numbers. Done! Phil has royally disappointed me this year.

On the other hand, Doug Heady's largely inaccurate forecasts haven't bothered me one bit. My kids definitely wish we'd gotten more snow this year, but that's just how it goes some years. His "liar status" is just fine with me. Double standard? Maybe, but that's okay. Haha!


  1. You are cracking me up!!! Poor Phil! He means no harm!!!

  2. I love the double standard. If it has to be this cold, I want snow.

  3. I agree that Winter needs to end!! I'm a much happier human when the sun is shining and I can enjoy my time outside.
