Thursday, March 14, 2019

Spring Break Plans - Not the Fun Ones

My plans for spring break aren't the most exciting. Mostly, they consist of various house-cleaning tasks that don't get done but once or twice a year. I need to:

  • clean all windows (inside and out), including window casings
  • clean the dining room tile grout
  • shampoo the carpets if I can borrow a shampooer
  • clean out closets
  • organize/sweep out the garage
I also need to do our taxes and, hopefully, find time to relax. It should be a busy and productive week!

1 comment:

  1. I cleaned the blades on the kitchen ceiling fan yesterday!!! LOL What gross chores we have lined up to do this week. I have to take the glass globes or whatever they are called down and wash them. It might look like a brand new fan after I'm done...then, it's moving on to the family room ceiling fan. Do they even put ceiling fans in homes nowadays??!! lol Enjoy your time off!
