Saturday, March 3, 2018

All the little things

Today was a fun day.  Nothing special about it in particular, but a fun day nonetheless.  The morning started out with my kids each getting to eat a cinnamon roll that was left over on a plate of goodies my husband got at school, from a student I presume.  Then they helped fold the laundry--we usually put off folding and putting away until the weekend even though we wash and dry throughout the week.  And they didn't argue about it, so that was nice.  After that I completed our taxes, and between federal and state we about broke even.  We ran to Sam's Club for a few groceries and I found out we had $110 in rewards on our plus membership that we could use toward today's groceries--yay!.  After we came home, Travis worked on the bunk bed he's been building for our girls (thankfully it's almost finished!).  Then this afternoon I took the kids to the park by our house where they met some kids their age and played tag with them.  None of these things were remarkable in and of themselves, but all the little things combined to make a wonderful day for our family.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a relaxing Saturday! I'm so glad the weather was as beautiful as it was for your kids to get to play Spring right around the corner?! Not according to Phil!!!
