Thursday, March 15, 2018

Planning Ahead

While my "desk" (it's really a round table) is often covered with mounds of things, I do like planning and organization.  (I've read articles stating that a messy workspace is indicative of high levels of intelligence.  So really, it's not my fault.  Haha!)  Anyway, I've already begun planning curriculum for next year even though this school year isn't yet over.  I believe there is great value in student choice, and when students are invested in their learning, they are more likely to be motivated in their work.  When I taught in the general education classroom setting, I tried to infuse student choice wherever I could, but in this position the parameters for choice are blown wide open.  I have to teach core subjects, but the unit topics are largely whatever interests me or my students.  Because of this, I've taken the units the GEM program already had, bought a few more to add to them, and even created some myself.  Then I sorted them by grade level, and in the 4th quarter I give my students the list for their subsequent grade level and let them choose.  I average the rankings given the units by my students and, voila, I have a guideline of what I'm teaching the following year.  It may seem silly to start the lists so soon, but I have to make sure I'm meeting standards, fill in year-long objective charts, etc. to make sure I'm fulfilling academic requirements.  While my students do enjoy coming to my class each week because we have fun while we learn, it's not just all "fun and games," contrary to popular belief.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to hear the list of topics...when I'm ordering I will look for some cool stuff!!!
