We made our quick round trip, and packed in as much as possible. First, we had a 4-hour drive up to Manhattan (Kansas--our van doesn't have a warp speed option--maybe that'll be a standard feature of the next minivan we buy!). We quickly checked in to our Airbnb, which was great, by the way, and then we went to my brother's house for dinner and conversation. My kids and their kids had a blast playing together and getting to know each other since it'd been a little over 2 years since they'd seen each other.
Then this morning we got up and went downtown to the race location. We cheered my mom on both going out and coming back on the race course, and my kids jumped on a bounce house between the two cheering times. Then we did a little shopping and driving around to see all my previous schools (K-6, 7-8, 9, and 10-12) before going to lunch and hitting the road again. All in all it was a great, albeit fast, trip.
P.S. Our high school wasn't big enough for all students 9-12, so 9th graders were in one building to combine the two middle schools--that's what our 7-8 grade buildings were called--then 10-12 were in the main high school campus building.
What a whirlwind trip! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time with family!