Tuesday, March 20, 2018

School Break Sickness

Why is it that sickness always seems to hit during a break?  The day before Christmas break I was diagnosed with influenza A.  Ugh!  (Although I can't say that lying in bed watching Netflix and reading books for a few days was the worst thing in the world... :D)  I don't know if it's because we go, go, go, and finally when we have a chance to rest our bodies cry "uncle," or what.

We've had a good break so far.  Lots of time at home, resting, relaxing, and working on a few projects around the house, but tonight Coltin didn't want to do his slice.  That surprised me because he's usually eager to do it.  Tonight, however, he said he was just too tired and was ready to go straight to bed despite the fact it wasn't late.  I didn't check to see if he did "slice," but if he does it in the morning to catch up that'll be okay.  When I checked on him about an hour after he went to bed, he was sound asleep and burning up.  NOOO!!!  His temp was only 100, so elevated without being "high," but I'm hoping that it breaks during the night and he's right as rain for the rest of break.

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