Sunday, March 25, 2018

The End

Oh, how I wish it were the end of Slice of Life.  Just kidding.  Well, maybe not.  It's really not so bad getting on here and typing a few sentences every day, hopefully giving you, reader, something to be entertained about, but I do always look forward to the end of March (you know, for the two times I've done SoL, that is).  Anyway, the "end" I'm talking about is that of spring break.  Yeah, it's time to go back to work.  No more late nights watching Netflix and reading books or sleeping in until 8 (that's what passes for sleeping in around here).  But that's okay.  We had a good week.  Two kids got sick, but the third one kept it at bay.  We got to go to Springfield one day and mess around a bit.  I went to Mansfield (lots of "fields" in Missouri, apparently), and I got to tour the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum and the home she, Almanzo, and Rose lived in during their later years.  I also had life group with my life group friends and my kids went to an Easter egg hunt.  All in all, it was as spectacular and relaxing as I expected it to be, so that's kind of a good thing.

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