Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Academic Awards Night!

My older two kids are so excited for the Academic Awards Banquet (AKA: MAP Banquet). Coltin got to go last year as a 4th grader, and ever since then Adelyn has been anticipating the chance to go as well. Well, last year on her 3rd grade MAP test, she scored advanced in both subjects, just like her brother had, and she earned the privilege of attending this year's banquet.

Last year we got a baby sitter for the girls, so it was just Coltin, Travis, and me who went because each student who qualifies can bring two guests. This year, since we have two kids attending, Evelyn will join us as well, and it will be a family affair. We always impress upon our kids that it's important to do the best they can and that education is extremely highly valued in our family. (How can it possibly not be when both Travis and I are teachers?) This special event put on by our school district is a fun reward for their hard work and achievement ... and a night I don't have to cook dinner. Win-win!


  1. It was an excellent night! Great job, Coltin and Adelyn!

  2. I'm so proud of Coltin and Adelyn! In a few years, I am sure child #3 will be attending for her accomplishments!!
