Monday, March 18, 2019

More Spring Cleaning

This morning one of my girls asked why we had to work so hard cleaning today. I simply responded, "If we work hard today when Silver Dollar City isn't open, we won't have cleaning and work to do on another day when it is open, and we'll be able to go." It's that simple, really. Just a matter of opportunity cost. If you have something to do now but choose to put it off, when something fun comes along, you might miss out because of the necessary task obligation. (That's not what I planned to blog about, so consider yourself lucky to get an extra little nugget of truth.)

Today I cleaned all the windows in our house, both inside and out, including the window casings. It's a job that takes a couple hours, but the sun was shining, the temps were deliciously warm, and a little music playing on my phone helped it to pass by as quickly as it could. While I did that, the girls played in their toy room and picked up their bedroom a bit and Travis and Coltin went to several stores to get necessary items for re-landscaping the front yard. We've been in this house for seven years at the end of the month, but it's been a few years since we did much landscaping. The front beds were looking kind of ragged as the mulch disappeared bit by bit. Today we remedied that by moving around a few established plants and bulbs, planted some new spring bulbs and roots, spread new mulch, and added two planters on either side of the mailbox. Travis and I worked side by side for several hours with sporadic help from the kids when they took breaks from playing, and it looks really nice. We'll be able to enjoy it immensely this spring and summer!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the weather has been beautiful to clean things out. I have been working through my garage. We need to add some smaller flowers to spruce up our landscape as well.
