Thursday, March 30, 2017

Creative Outlet

I am somewhat creative.  I can sew, scrapbook, and paint, but for the most part it's more about re-creating than creating something new.  I am great at following a pattern or taking something that is already there and attempting to remake it based on what someone else has already done.  And that's okay.  But lately I've been trying to create more by doing Zentangles.  I've never been a doodler.  I've never felt confident in my ability to doodle well.  Now, I still don't think I'm spectacular, but it's something I've come to enjoy; the process of creating regardless of how perfect or "right" it is.

I first learned about it this past summer at a Gifted conference as a way to help kids decompress or calm down if they are stressed about something.  For some kids it can create more anxiety if they're focusing only on it being "just so," but if kids can look past any imperfections and see how the "mistake" can be used to branch off into a new tangle, then it can serve a very helpful purpose.

If you need ideas for what to draw, the website has dozens upon dozens of ideas!

Here are two of my Zentangle cards. :)

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