Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Meaning of Life

Lots of people ponder on, seek out, and try to decide on what is the meaning of life.  Before I get philosophical on you, I'll explain that while growing up my dad would say, many an evening, "Who wants the meaning of life?"  (Or sometimes it was phrased as a statement, "I want the meaning of life.")  I'm not sure what book or place he was looking for the definition, but whenever Dad would say that he simply wanted chocolate chips.  That's it.  Chocolate chips.  We usually kept a bag in the fridge or freezer, because let's face it, cold chocolate chips are just that much better (unless they're in a warm and gooey cookie right out of the oven).  (Random thought...did you know that "cookie" is spelled "cooky" in at least one Beverly Cleary book.  True story.)

Anyway, it seems silly to think that chocolate chips were referred to as "the meaning of life" in my house, and that's not what life truly is all about, but in a way it is.  If you think about it, we get meaning out of our lives from all of the small moments that add up.  On K-Love right now a saying I've heard a lot is "little things don't mean a lot...they mean EVERYTHING."  The little things you do to help others and to make a difference aren't just small, insignificant events--they could be a big thing to someone else.  Just like chocolate chips...the small, simple things in life are more important than we may even know.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess your Dad and Forest Gump's mama had similar philosophies. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJh59vZ8ccc
